
Election Day Chuckle

Yesterday I did my civic duty and voted. Now don’t worry this post will not be about politics in any way, shape or form. I’m a firm believer in keeping my political opinions private and quiet. I was, however, a bit worried about all the news reports that said I’d have to wait in line 4 hours to vote, but thankfully that was not the case in my precinct.

Walking into the school where my precinct is located is always an experience. It’s like running the gauntlet or some weird adult version of trick or treat crossed with Election Day. Every local candidate has there representatives out in force. They are handing you their last bits of information, I guess hoping that you’ll change your mind at the last minute and vote another way. Whatever. I’m pretty much decided by the time I reach this point. In my state you can’t have any political handouts visible where you actually cast your ballot. Knowing this I began shoving all the paraphernalia I collected on my short walk into the building into my purse. Keeping it out of sight, not wanting to create a problem or a scene. Wouldn’t that have been fantastic, appearing on the local news because I forgot to stow the free nail file I got on my way in? I shove all the junk away and wait my turn. Cast my vote and head home. The whole process only took about 30 minutes. Thank goodness. When I got home I began to empty my pockets and my purse. I begin to examine the stuff I collected. A ubiquitous nail file. (I think my mom has one from every election she’s actually voted in.) A Hershey’s mini wrapped in another candidates logo, assorted pamphlets and cards of information and the thing that made me laugh the hardest. A dinner mint in the wrapper pictured above.

Upon close inspection of said mint, you will notice that it is a very poor replica of a $5,000 dollar bill. Never mind that the $5,000 bill had a picture of James Madison on it and was virtually discontinued by 1969, and this mint wrapper has a lovely likeness of Albert Einstein on it. Here’s the part that made me laugh, when I looked closely at the wrapper I noticed it says on it: “THIS NOTE IS NOT LEGAL TENDER.” Well, duh! Seriously? I can’t really use this teeny, tiny $5,000 bill to purchase something? What a gyp! I laughed for about 5 minutes. When I calmed down, something came to me. You know when you see some weird warning or disclaimer it is because someone has actually tried to do whatever the warning or disclaimer is telling you not to do. Which just started me laughing all over again. I can see it now, someone walking into a store to purchase something, and handing over the mini mint wrapper as payment. It boggles the mind. I wish I could remember which candidate was handing them out; I’d send them an email to tell them they made me laugh, in a good way.

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