
Halloween is over

Well, Halloween is officially over. By that I mean trick or treating, 6-8 p.m., is over and the Halloween decorations can come down and we can roll the big ole'
Jack-o-lantern down over the hill into the woods. My husband always goes over board on the candy, handing out the BIG bars, which seems to be a thing of the past. This year I told him to knock it off, take it easy...did he listen? He bought three cases, the kind that Costco sells, with 24 bars in each box. We got one car load of six children this evening, that's it. Tim gave them each two, so that means we have 60 chocolate bars to eat between the three of us, 20 a piece. I don't want to do that. We'll have to find another way to get rid of the candy. It can't stay in the house. The only will power I have is not having it around.

Now I must begin to acknowledge a host of November birthdays and begin planning our Thanksgiving dinner. This is a great time of year!

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