
Coffe and Cake

Even the best laid plans are, at times, laid waste. I intended to start my creamer free diet this morning. Instead of a regular coffee with creamer, I began the day with a hot Toddy. Ah, delicious!

We had a big family dinner after church today. My husband makes a brisket that is superb. I provided the rest: macaroni and cheese, broccoli, orange jello salad, green salad and corn. And oh yes, my brother's homemade bread. Did I have a little of everything? Yes, I did. Not so bad though...that is until dessert was served.

I am in no way the best cook around, but I have managed to master a few recipes of the things I like best. Ask anyone who knows me, what kind of cake do I like? Chocolate cake with white bakers icing(and coconut if it's for me or one of my brothers). It was my niece's birthday and after the candle were blown out, my father asked, Is there coffee? That's all it took, coffee was on the table within minutes and I had two cups with creamer, a slice of cake and ice cream. Then after everyone left I had another slice...or two.

Tomorrow I'll do better...the cake is gone.

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