
Random thoughts or slacker redux

Here are some random, thoughts I’ve had today.

I was pleasantly surprised that with my new Fusion I do not have to get the oil changed until 5,000 miles. Because I am a neurotic about these things I called to verify, and yes it is true! Yippee! I hate doing car maintenance. I also hate getting gas. I always say if I ever get married I’m having that written into the vows. If I have to obey, he should have to take care of the cars and fill up my gas tank. It’s never going to happen but I like thinking about it.

I got my haircut today. Not anything really unusual about that. But I did find out that my stylist is quite the political activist. She chatted quite enthusiastically about her candidate of choice. I sat very quiet and did not comment for two reasons. One, she was cutting my hair!!! And, two, I did not agree with her. I wear glasses and can’t actually see what she’s doing while she cuts my hair, if I disagreed aloud with her I might walk out of there with a mohawk!

This weekend I’m going to be visiting J, we have a church thing that takes place in PA, twice a year. So, of course, in an effort to prepare for a weekend trip I was doing some laundry last night. Here is one of the perils of apartment living with community laundry facilities. I had already washed a load and started another; I was waiting for the first one to dry. When I heard the dryer go off, I went down to switch, only to find that someone had taken out my clothes from the washer, threw them on the counter and put their clothes in the washer! This is the second time it’s happened and I’m just as furious as I was when it happened the first time. What if I had more than 2 loads to wash? They jumped the line! Thankfully, my first load was my underwear, which I put in the dryer myself. I’m not sure I like the idea that some stranger is going through my clothes, and I really don’t like the thought of someone messing around with my under things. I had several really mean retaliatory thoughts come to mind, but I ended up just quietly fuming and walking back to my apartment. Sigh…I may need to read the scripture about vengeance again.

My 16 year old nephew made the homecoming court; he is one of the ‘princes’ for the Junior class. When did this tradition start? When I was in high school this was for the Senior class only. My sister called me to let me know of this milestone in his high school career. Funny, he told my sister that a friend of his that was on the balloting committee and told him that he had a lot of votes. My sister told him don’t get too excited about it until you know for sure. Today my nephew called home to tell his mom he made the court. My sister, trying to downplay this lest he be disappointed, said “DJ how do you know you made the court?” He said, “Mom they announced my name on the p.a. and I’m wearing a sash.” Anyway they have homecoming this weekend, which he is also taking a date to!? How did this happen? My 16 year old nephew has now had more dates in this decade than I have!

After I got my haircut today, I participated in some ritualistic humiliation, also known as trying on clothes. I thought I might just try on a few things maybe make a purchase. I HATE trying on clothes, which is why I have 5 pairs of athletic shoes (yes, I know weird because I don’t exercise, they’re comfortable what can I say). I tried on two things; one was even not brown, black or navy blue! Alas, they did not flatter me. They went on the discard rack and I left the mall. I was really only there to buy perfume anyway. Perfume doesn't care what size you are.

I’m now sitting at home, fielding phone calls, watching Bizarre Foods on cable and working on the computer. I actually do have things I should be doing instead of blogging, but I was trying to strike when the inspiration hit me.

Still not sure if this was inspiration, but J I posted!!!

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