
Still here...

I feel like I’m coming back from a blogging vacation. It’s been awhile and admitting to being a slacker, as I have in 2 previous posts, just seems like the worst excuse ever. :) In truth, real life has been a bit hectic. I think the last time I actually posted I mentioned that I was on my way to see J. We had a church conference to attend that was in Pennsylvania and in addition to being involved in the national women’s group of our church it was a great opportunity to spend time with J and her family.

We had a good conference. There were things to discuss and consider. Being a part of and being active in an organization can be a wonderful experience. If it’s something you are passionate about it can be fulfilling. Thankfully, we have been able to be apart of an organization we enjoy working in on both a local and a national level.

Being active is important. Whatever you choose to give time to, it’s important to be present to the choice. Nice words, hopefully I’ll be able to live up to them.

I almost forgot. When I was visiting J her daughter was in town visiting as well. The three of us played Scrabble. I admit to starting the game with a fair amount of trepidation, I was sure they smelled blood in the water. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and J’s daughter is following in her mother’s footsteps and is also a killer Scrabble player. Is there a name for a Scrabble enthusiast? I’ll have to check that out, but I digress. I’ve mentioned that almost every time I’ve played with J she has beaten me, soundly. I think the first time we played I won, I realized much later that she was simply lulling me into a false sense of security, since then I’ve lost at a fairly steady rate. And yet, in light of my impressive number of losses against the Master, we played. I think J must have been tired from her week, because miracle of miracles, I actually scored more than she did! Yes, it’s true, and I was stuck with the Q, J and the Z! Truth be told, J’s daughter won it all in the last play of the game, but I’m claiming my small victory. It may never happen again! I don’t care if J did get stuck with all the vowels in the game…all’s fair in love and Scrabble.

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