
A Space Of My Own

I relish days like this. I'm off work, in my pj's, hair standing straight up, enjoying my coffee and I intend to stay home all day and just organize "my stuff". Since my two older kids are out of the house now, we've relegated one of the small bedrooms as office space for me. It's all mine! (I'm not heartless - I offered my husband about 12" of space on my desk top but he has passed on the offer. He's letting me have it all. Besides, he's had his own space(s) since forever! It's finally my turn.)

Every parent knows the joy of having a space of their own after years of enjoying and tending to a bustling, busy family. I remember guarding my purse because it was the only thing that was my own. Everyone knew, mitts off and don't even think of opening it up and rooting around in there - even though the only thing they might find is a piece of gum laying on the bottom or a stray fuzzy Life-saver. (Hence the hunt) Now it's different - I have a place of my own. (The purse is still off limits)

I hope this encourages all our many readers, all 4 or 5 of you, depending on the day, to carve out a little space of your own. It's delicious. Who needs drugs or caffeine - I love this room; it's just me and my stuff. Let the creative juices flow!

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